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Issuance of National Happiness Card: A Step Towards a Happier Nation
When it comes to achieving happiness, countries are no exception to the rule. In recent times, there has been a growing interest in measuring the happiness level of countries, and this has led to the issuance of National Happiness Cards. In this article, we will take a closer look at what National Happiness Cards are, their purpose, and how they work.
What Is a National Happiness Card?
A National Happiness Card is a personal identification card that carries a unique identifier number, photo, and other electronic information of an individual. The card serves as an indicator of the person’s level of happiness and well-being in society.
Why Are National Happiness Cards Issued?
National Happiness Cards are issued to obtain data on the well-being of citizens and measure social progress to alleviate challenges faced by governments. It also furnishes relevant departments with data for socio-economic policies and agendas based on the demands of society.
How Do National Happiness Cards Work?
All citizens of the country are encouraged to apply for the National Happiness Card and create an online account based on their personal information. Citizens can fill out a survey that includes several questions based on happiness, personal well-being, and other important questions about their daily lives.
What Are the Benefits of a National Happiness Card?
The National Happiness Card provides citizens with access to various government services, such as health care, education, and transport, etc. It also helps individuals track their level of happiness and personal development.
What Are the Drawbacks of National Happiness Cards?
The data collected through the National Happiness Card can potentially lead to surveillance, which is a growing concern among citizens. Some may feel uncomfortable sharing personal information, such as income level and mental health status. Also, the data collected may not always be accurate, as happiness is a subjective state.
What Countries Have Implemented National Happiness Cards?
Countries such as Bhutan, the United Arab Emirates, and China have implemented National Happiness Cards in recent times.
In conclusion, the issuance of National Happiness Cards is a novel concept that is gaining popularity among countries worldwide. While it presents an opportunity for governments to collect valuable data, it should be implemented with care, taking note of the possible drawbacks and concerns of the citizens. With proper management, the National Happiness Card can become a useful tool towards a happier and more prosperous society.