전세보증보험 가입조건 Conditions for signing up for Jeonse Guarantee Insurance

전세보증보험 가입조건HUG vs SGI.
Conditions for signing up for charter guarantee insurance.

Hello, the summary is the future. This is summary information. Today, we will briefly introduce charter guarantee insurance and learn about the conditions for joining, which is the main topic of the day. So, let’s start by looking at what is charter insurance.

The easiest way to understand the meaning of a word is to break it down. This is even more so in the case of difficult and long insurance terms like today. You can think of Jeonse Guarantee Insurance as preparing a safety device to receive your money on time in the system of renting a house by depositing your money in someone else’s house. The deposit for monthly rent is, of course, a large amount of money, but in the case of deposits for jeonse, it is so huge that it is safe to say that the majority of the people are all property. Recently, I was told that a one-room rental in Gangnam was 200 million won, so I said no. When the period of lease expires, the tenant leaves and the landlord must return the deposited deposit. However, it often happens that owners cannot return the jeonse deposit due to gap investment or tin housing. In this case, the insurance product created to protect the tenant is the charter guarantee insurance. If the owner fails to return the deposit, the institution returns it instead, and the institution later claims the right to indemnity from the lessor and receives money. Currently, there are two locations in Korea where you can sign up. It is available at a place called Housing City Guarantee Corporation (HUG) and a place called SGI (Seoul Guarantee). Although the names are different in the two places, the insurance product that protects the tenant’s deposit is the same. The official name is called Jeonse Deposit Return Guarantee by Housing City Guarantee Corporation, and the product name of Jeonse Deposit Guarantee Credit Insurance is used by SGI Seoul Guarantee.

The difference between the two charter guarantee insurance products can easily be divided into the difference between private and public. In the case of HUG, the conditions for joining are a little tricky. Instead, the cost of obtaining a warranty is lower and the duration of the warranty claim is longer. On the other hand, SGI is expensive, but the subscription conditions are relatively easy, and the limit is higher than HUG.

전세보증보험 가입조건

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